Needlepin Way, Buckingham,
Buckinghamshire MK18 7RA
0330 128 1345
8 miles from the venue
Lodging Recommendations
Horwood House Hotel
Mursley Rd, Little Horwood,
Milton Keynes MK17 0PH
01296 722100
1.8 miles from the venue
331 Avebury Boulevard,
Central Milton Keynes,
Milton Keynes, MK9 2GA
7.8 miles from the venue
There are plenty more hotels, B&B’s and holiday homes in the area so feel free to search around the “Swanbourne, Buckinghamshire” area to find one that suits you best.
Transport Recommendations
There is free parking at our venue, however if you wanted not to drive, here are our recommendations:
R&R Taxis Buckingham
01280 822 222
Skyline Taxis Milton Keynes
01908 222 111
The closest train stations to the venue are Milton Keynes Central and Bletchley Station.